Helpful articles, interesting books, podcasts, and other businesses and organizations to help you find your momentum!

Pivot Podcast, by Jenny Blake
iRelaunch Getting Back on the Career Track
ETL Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Speaker Series
Charity Connect Helps connect volunteers and nonprofits for strategic and meaningful volunteering.
irelaunch Strategic Volunteering Organizations listed in addition to comprehensive Re-entry Programs Listing
Taproot Foundation Skills Based Pro Bono Opportunities
Compass Probono Skills Based Pro Bono Opportunities
DC Bar Probono Center Opportunities for attorneys to help with legal needs of DC's low income residents, small businesses, and non profits.
Pivot: The Only Move that Matters Is Your Next One
- Jenny Blake.
Designing your Life: how to build a well-lived, joyful life
-Bill Burnett
by Carol Fishman Cohen and Vivian Steir Rabin
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Dale Carnegie
Willpower Doesn’t Work - Benjamin Hardy
Take Time For Your Life: A Personal Coach’s 7 Step Program for Creating the Life You Want
by Cheryl Richardson
Your Work Peak Is Earlier Than You Think
- The Atlantic